
The glass industry is highly reliant on water for manufacturing, washing, cooling, cullet separation and grinding. 

These processes generate substantial quantities of effluent specific to the manufacturing process when molding and processing float glass, glass bottles, flat glass, hollow glass, glass fibers and other items.

Different mechanical impurities including glass splinters remain the water, which causes turbidity; in addition, oil and other lubricant impurities may also enter the water.

Elgressy understand that the supply of properly conditioned water has a crucial influence on productivity and process quality and offer customized solutions for the following water treatment applications:

Wastewater treatment – EEC/EEO:

Elgressy designs and manufactures electrocoagulation and
electro-oxidation systems for pre and primary treatments for all types of
glass industry wastewater.


Cooling Tower treatment – EST:

EST provides a comprehensive and effective solution to the problems
associated with cooling towers, namely scale, corrosion and


Corrosion Prevention – ECP:

ECP is an effective and innovative electrolysis technology developed to protect the inner surfaces of hot and cold-water pipes and tanks against corrosion and scale.


Minimizing risk of Legionella Pneumophila – LPB:

ECP is an effective and innovative electrolysis technology developed to protect the inner surfaces of hot and cold-water pipes and tanks against corrosion and scale.
