Comprehensive Cooling Tower Treatment

System: EST
Client: UNESCAP, Thailand
UNESCAP cooling towers were operated for a year using chemical dosing as the primary treatment. The chillers approach water temperature was found to be 8°C, indicating significant loss of efficiency generally attributed to fouling and scaling.
Project Details:
Year of installation: 2013
Cooling towers circulation: 4,000 TR
Number of EST units installed: 4
Project Results:
The cooling towers are operating eciently and without scaling, corrosion
or bio-fouling.
Maintenance is significantly reduced
Energy savings:
Chillers approach water temperature dropped from 8°C to 2.1°C, increasing
the chillers efficiency by 9%
Water savings:
Before EST: 42m3 blowdown/day
After EST 15m3 blowdown/day
65% water savings
Chemical savings:
100% of the chemicals were eliminated